Até ficam Verdes.
«The appointment of Durao Barroso as next President of the EU Commission which will be submitted for approval to the leaders of the 25 EU Member States Tuesday night in Brussels raised a strong reaction from the Greens/EFA Co-Presidents. Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Monica Frassoni made the following statement: "We are very sceptical about the appointment of Mr. Barroso because his ideas on Europe are too much linked to the Americans. We want to have a Commission President appointed who is strong and able to defend the idea of a social and Green Europe. If the head of states and government propose to appoint Barroso, our Group will take its final stand once he has been given the opportunity to express himself before our Group Members. If after this hearing our scepticism is confirmed, we will look for a majority in the EP against Mr. Barroso". If this choice were to be confirmed, it would point out once more the preference of the Member States for a weak President and a weak EU Commission.»

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